
  • MSc Geological Sciences (Florida State University- Florida, USA) - 2010
  • BSc Geological Engineering (University of Kocaeli- Kocaeli, Turkey) - 2005

Research project

Effect of Global Climate Change on the release of terrestrial organic carbon in the Arctic Region

Supervised by:

Research interests

Eurasian Arctic Region is one of the fastest warming regions in the world. Permafrost thawing and increased river discharge caused by this warming could cause a massive net redistribution of the huge amount of old recalcitrant carbon sequestered in the permafrost soils of the Eurasian Arctic region to the Eurasian Arctic shelf. Changes due to the remobilization and mineralization of this material may have a profound influence on the whole Arctic ecosystem with implications for the entire global carbon-climate system. The overarching aim of my project is to improve our understanding of the biogeochemical fate of the macromolecular terrestrial organic carbon derived from large-scale releases to the Eurasian Arctic ocean, using a combination of (off-line) pyrolysis, GCMS and compound specific radiocarbon analyses.ic Rivers by utilizind organic geochemical and isotope geochemistrical methods.

Recent publications


  • September 2011 - Doğrul Selver A., C. Varden, I. Semiletov, Ö. Gustafsson, H. M. Talbot, S. Boult and B. E. van Dongen. Contrasting macromolecular organic matter composition in surface sediments off the Eurasian Arctic rivers. International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry. Interlaken, Switzerland
  • July 2011 - Doğrul Selver A., I. Semelitov, Ö. Gustafsson, S. Boult and B. E. van Dongen. Contrasting macromolecular organic matter compositions in surface sediments off the Eurasian Arctic rivers. British Organic Geochemistry Society meeting. University of Swansea


July 2011 - 1st place oral presentation award at the British Organic Geochemistry meeting at the University of Swansea