News 2015
January 2015
A good time was had by all at the Manchester Museum's Big Saturday-Siberia event on the 24th January. The team explained to the public the importance of Arctic research and demonstrated the principles of chromatography using felt tip pens.
News 2014
Holly Barden and Bart van Dongen are co-authors on a new paper in the journal Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments on a geochemical analysis of micro-bodies on a tadpole from the Oligocene Enspel Formation of Germany

Congratulations to Nicola Ashton and Ayca Doğrul Selver who recently passed their PhD vivas.

News 2013
Christmas festivities were great fun this year, full of pizza, wine, santa hats and all manner of bizarre presents.
Bart recently attended a special climate change summit in Moscow for a discussion on the development of UK-Russia collaboration.
Robert Sparkes, Ayca Doğrul Selver, Stuart Rae, Irma Gonzalez and Bart van Dongen presented work at the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry in Tenerife. Though they found better uses for their fabric posters, as beach towels.
Well done to Robert Sparkes, Akmez Nabeerasool, Nicola Aston, Ayca Doğrul Selver and Holly Barden for excellently presented talks and posters at the British Organic Geochemistry conference in Plymouth. Particular congratulations to Holly for winning the prize for best talk.
Congratulations to Holly Barden for passing her viva on the 19th with minor corrections. This month she also began her new job as a research technician with the group.
Congratulations to Holly Barden who has a new paper out in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.Manning P.L., N.P. Edwards, R.A. Wogelius, U. Bergmann, H.E. Barden, P.L. Larson, D. Schwarz-Wings, V. M. Egerton, D. Sokaras, R.A. Mori, W.I. Sellers. 2013. Synchrotron-based chemical imaging reveals plumage patterns in 150 million year old early bird. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 28, 1024-1030.

Stuart Rae has won the outstanding poster award at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (Soil System Sciences Division) in Vienna, Austria. For this he has won free entry to the conference next year.February
Congratulations to Stuart Rae for being awarded the Brian Hitchon postgraduate student travel fund to attend the 2013 International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Tenerife.January
Congratulations to Laura Richards who has a new paper out in the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.Richards L.A., B.S. Richards, B. Corry, A.I. Schäfer. 2013. Experimental energy barriers to anions transporting through nanofiltration membranes. Environmental Science & Technology. 47 (4): 1968 – 1976.

News 2012
Well done to all those who entered a talk or poster for the Manchester Postgraduate Research Conference 2012. Particular congratulations to Robert Sparkes for being awarded the 1st place poster prize, and to Natalie McCreesh for winning the 3rd place presentation prize.

Congratulations to Bart van Dongen for publishing a paper in Nature. Click on the reference or image below to be taken to the paper on
Congratulations to Ayca Dogrul Selver for publishing a paper in Organic Geochemistry. Click on the reference or image below to be taken to the paper on ScienceDirect.
Hearty congratulations to Phai Do and Wafa Al Lawati for passing their PhD vivas. We wish them all the best for the future.