In 1997, I obtained my M.S. degree in Chemistry from the
University of Leiden (Leiden, the Netherlands). After working
for a brief period on an internship at the University of Leiden
in cooperation with Unilever, I began my Ph.D. research at the
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Royal NIOZ) under
the supervision of Prof. Dr J.W. de Leeuw, Dr J.S. Sinninghe
Damsté and Dr S. Schouten. There, I conducted research on the
natural preservation of carbohydrates in marine sediments and
the consequences for its preservation on the chemical and carbon
isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter. The major
outcomes of my Ph.D. research, defended at the University of
Utrecht in early 2003, showed that preservation through
sulfurization in sedimentary organic matter is a more important
mechanism for the preservation of organic carbon than previously
thought. The enhanced contribution of normally labile organic
carbon can have substantial impacts on TOC records. In addition,
the difference in δ13C between
carbohydrates and lipids within single organisms is much larger
than previously realized and thus preservation of carbohydrates
can cause substantial changes in
records as well.
Upon completion of my Ph.D. in 2003, I accepted a PDRA position
with Dr R. Pancost in the School of Chemistry (Organic
Geochemisty Unit and Biogeochemistry Research Centre) at the
University of Bristol. Research conducted by myself in this
capacity included reconstruction of tropical sea surface
temperatures from the early Eocene to the early Oligocene using
the membrane lipids of marine Crenarcheota from cores drilling
in coastal Tanzania (The Tanzania drilling project) and a study
into the role of an consortium of sulphate reducing bacteria and
archaea in the formation of iron sulphide nodules. In addition,
I served as an advisor of Ph.D. projects that involved the use
of (off-line) pyrolysis techniques.
In early 2005 I moved to Stockholm for a second post-doc with Dr
Ő Gustafsson in the Department of Applied Environmental Science
(ITM; Stockholm University). During my time in Stockholm my
research focused primarily on the effects of amplified warming
in the Arctic region on the remobilization and relative
preservation of recalcitrant soil organic carbon. The
overarching objectives were to improve our understanding of the
biogeochemical fate of soil organic carbon from large-scale
releases to the Eurasian Arctic Ocean, using a combination of
biomarker and compound specific radiocarbon analyses.
In April 2007, I began a permanent lecturer position in the
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at the
University of Manchester, and in 2012 I was promoted to senoir lecturer
Current Students
Previous Students
Research interests
Organic geochemistry, Isotope geochemistry, Fossil biomarkers
Professional affiliations
- The European Association of Organic Geochemists
- The American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN)
Recent publications
Barden H. E., U. Bergmann, N. P. Edwards, V. M. Egerton, P. L. Manning, S. Perry, A. van Veelen, R. A. Wogelius, B. E. van Dongen. 2014. Bacteria or melanosomes? A geochemical analysis of micro-bodies on a tadpole from the Oligocene Enspel Formation of Germany. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
Edwards N.P., P. L. Manning, U. Bergmann, P. L. Larson, B. E. van Dongen, W. I. Sellers, S. M. Webb, D. Sokaras, R. Alonso-Mori, K. Ignatyev, H. E. Barden, A. van Veelen, J. Anné, V. M. Egerton and R. A. Wogelius. 2014. Leaf metallome preserved over 50 million years. Metallomics. 6, 774-782.
Fellowes, J.W., R.A.D. Pattrick, C. Boothman, W.M.M. Al Lawati, B.E. van Dongen, J.M. Charnock, J.R. Lloyd and
C.I. Pearce. 2013. Microbial selenium transformations in seleniferous soils. European Journal of Soil Science.
1-10. http://dx.doi:10.1111/ejss.12051
Fraser S., B.E. van Dongen, A. Thompson and T. Insoll. 2013. Organic Geochemical Analysis of
Archaeologogical and Contemporary Medicine Pots. In Temporalising Anthropology, edited by Insoll, T., MacLean, R., and
Kankpeyeng, B., 247-252. Africa Magna Verlag.
van Dongen B.E. and S. Fraser. 2013. lipid biomarkers characterisation, x-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray
diffraction Analysis of Medicine Clay Samples. In Temporalising Anthropology, edited by Insoll, T., MacLean, R., and
Kankpeyeng, B., 243-246. Africa Magna Verlag.
Feng X., J.E. Vonk, B.E. van Dongen, Ö. Gustafsson, I.P. Semiletov, O.V. Dudarev, Z. Wang, D.B. Montluçon, L.
Wacker, and T.I. Eglinton. 2013. Differential mobilization of terrestrial carbon pools
in Eurasian Arctic river basins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
110, no. 35 14168-14173. http://dx.doi:10.1073/pnas.1307031110
- Vonk
J., L. Sánchez-García, B.E. van Dongen, V. Alling,
D. Kosmach, A. Charkin, I. Semiletov, O. Dudarev,
N. Shakhova, P. Roos, T.I. Eglinton, A.Andersson, Ö.
Gustafsson. 2012. Activation of old carbon by erosion of coastal and
subsea permafrost in Arctic Siberia. Nature. 489, 137-140.
- Al Lawati W.M., J.-S. Jean, T. Kulp, M.-K. Lee,
D. Polya, B.E. van Dongen. 2012. Characterisation of
organic matter associated with goundwater arsenic in reducing
aquifers of Southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Hazardous
Materials. Published online.
- Al Lawati W.M., A. Rizoulis, E. Eiche, C. Boothman,
D.A. Polya J.R. Lloyd, M. Berg, P.V. Aguilar,
B.E. van Dongen. 2012. Characterisation of
organic matter and microbial communities in contrasting
arsenic-rich Holocene and arsenic-poor Pleistocene, Red
River Delta, Vietnam. Applied Geochemistry. 27, 315-325.
- Doğrul Selver A., H.M. Talbot, Ö. Gustafsson, S. Boult,
B.E. van Dongen.
2012. Soil organic matter transport along an sub-Arctic
river–sea transect. Organic Geochemistry. 51, 63-72.
- Fraser S.E., T. Insoll, A. Thompson,
B.E. van Dongen. 2012. Organic geochemical
analysis of archaeological medicine pots from
Northern Ghana. The multi-functionality of
pottery. Journal of Archaeological Science. 39,